On Friday, May 27, ASHA filed two documents with the Court of Appeals identifying the videotapes of court hearings and other court records ASHA wants the Court of Appeals to review. That same day, ASHA filed a motion in the Fayette Circuit Court asking permission to submit copies of deposition transcripts and exhibits for the Court of Appeals to review although ASHA did not submit portions of those transcripts to the Fayette Circuit Court before it rendered its decision. ASHA scheduled a hearing on that motion to take place in the Fayette Circuit Court on Friday, June 3, 2011.
ASHA's_Certificate_of_Designation (89.8 KiB, 1,056 hits)
ASHA's_Designation_of_Record (108.8 KiB, 1,282 hits)
Motion_for_Leave_to_File_Deposition_Transcripts (97.6 KiB, 1,143 hits)