The ASHA sued to prevent its members from inspecting ASHA’s corporate records, but the Court rejected the ASHA’s arguments and declared that Kentucky law entitles the members to inspect and copy the corporate records.
The purpose of this website is to inform the general membership of the lawsuit the American Saddlebred Horse Association brought upon the “Concerned Members.” Below are all legal documents and briefs connected to this lawsuit. The information contained on this website will assist you in forming your own opinion of these proceedings. This site will be kept updated with any new documents that may be submitted to the court regarding this matter.
Attached are copies of:
(1) the Court’s Opinion, Order and Judgment; dated December 2nd, 2010;
Court Decision (97.0 KiB, 4,812 hits)
(2) the Complaint filed by the ASHA initiating this lawsuit against certain senior members; dated October 6th, 2009;
ASHA Complaint (1.1 MiB, 5,393 hits)
(3) the Answer and Counterclaim filed on the members’ behalf; dated August 25th, 2009;
ASHA Members Answers (1.4 MiB, 5,470 hits)
(4) ASHA’s Motion for Summary Judgment; dated April 15, 2010;
ASHAs Motion (2.0 MiB, 4,608 hits)
(5) the Members’ Motion for Summary Judgment; dated May 14th, 2010;
Members Motions (1.4 MiB, 4,742 hits)
(6) ASHA’s Reply Brief; dated June 1st, 2010;
ASHAs Reply (137.5 KiB, 4,411 hits)
(7) the Members’ Reply Brief; dated June 15th, 2010;
Members Reply (64.5 KiB, 5,027 hits)